A journey with Application Insights

Recently I have been trying to enable Application Insights (AI) on my simple SPARQL query UI on ASP.NET Core 2.1, with reference to quick-start guide on Microsoft Docs. After completing the configuation and trying out the website locally, I believe everyting worked fine. Though the SLA guarantees the delay of telemetries should be under 2 hours, actually I can see the requests in my development environment on Azure dashboard in less than 10 minutes. Continue reading “A journey with Application Insights”

Try WikiClientLibrary on Xamarin Workbooks!

I’ve noticed that MS announced their first pre-release for Workbooks, which allows you to experiment with .NET Framework / .NET Core / Xamarin / WPF in a Jupyter-like fashion. It’s like an enhanced version of C# interactive window.

What is really an improvement, is that you can add reference to NuGet packages in a similar way as you are working with a full C# project, so it exhibit a chance for me to play with WikiClientLibrary. Hopefully, it might give Wiki contributors some convenience on automated edits, such as word-replacement in batch.

Experiment with Workbooks and WCL

If resx localization doesn’t work on your .NET Core application…

Let’s say, you are writing .NET Core application in VS 2017. You have added the following resx resource files to your project

  • Resources.resx (Let’s take it as en)
  • Resources.fr.resx
  • Resources.zh-Hans.resx

However, when running on a French OS, sometimes you may still get English text  for Resource via GetString.

You might as well try Rebuilding the project.

Written a MediaWiki Client Library

This is a MediaWiki client library based on .NET PCL, targeting at .NET Framework 4.5, ASP.NET Core 1.0, Xamarin.iOS, and Xamarin.Android. The verified supported MediaWiki API version can be as low as MediaWiki 1.19 (Wikia). FYI, now Wikipedia is using MediaWiki 1.28.

Repository: https://github.com/CXuesong/WikiClientLibrary

Other MediaWiki client libraries: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Client_code

Advertise for it: Frankly I haven’t take time to summarize, but it supports

  • common API for page query/creation/edit/deletion
  • generators.
  • file upload
  • query result pagination (encapsulated as IAsyncEnumerable )

Continue reading “Written a MediaWiki Client Library”

Querying Network Status in .NET programming

Work with `My` namespace

We can use My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable in Visual Basic.NET to determine whether the network is connected. The definition of this property is:

        ''' <summary>
        '''  Indicates whether or not the local machine is connected to an IP network.
        ''' </summary>
        ''' <value>True if connected, otherwise False</value>
        ''' <remarks></remarks>
        Public ReadOnly Property IsAvailable() As Boolean

                Return NetInfoAlias.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()

            End Get
        End Property

It leads to the approach in C#. Continue reading “Querying Network Status in .NET programming”

Play with Linq.Expression

Suddenly Visual Basic 6.0 ……

Yesterday once more.

When ConditionalExpression.ToString() is invoked...
When ConditionalExpression.ToString() is invoked…


Lambda function generated by Linq.Expression.

There’s virtually no way to debug into it…

So I had to use something like `Debug.Print`. Really had a hard time.

So I decided to implement XmlSerializer “again”

Reinventing the wheel T_T

ref = CXuesong/XSerializer/

Pull is welcomed T_T if you’d like to

Recently I’ve been considering the following problems:

When serializing using `XmlSerializer` to get more control on what the XML should look like,

  1. How to serialize members with type `Nullable<T>`, persisting it as XML attribute (rather than element)?
  2. How to serialize references, avoiding it persisted as multiple identical copies of one object?
  3. How to achieve the these two things above, without introducting public auxiliary properties?
    (e.g. for case 1, an auxiliary property can be introduced to do the conversions between `Nullable<T>` and `string`, the latter of which can be persisted as XML attribute.)

It seems that case 2 can be solved using `DataContractSeriallizer`. However, `DataContractSeriallizer` generates Id by itself, and represent Id and its references with `z:Id` and`z:Ref`. As I’ve mentioned in previously (在 XmlSerializer 与 DataContractSerializer 之间抉择), `DataContractSeriallizer` is rather rigid when you want to control the appearance of XML tree it generates.

Then, how to solve these problems?

Maybe, I’ll reinvent the wheel.

See Also

c# – Is there any way for my class to support serialisation as an XML attribute? – Stack Overflow

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