Coursera Machine Learning Ex.6 2.5: Try your own emails

Perhaps this mail is so short that it seems like a spam XD
>> ex6_predictonly
Input the file to be checked [testMail.txt]:

==== Processed Email ====

do not repli to thi messag thi is an automat gener email thank you for your 
interest in powerworld simul number educ evalu edit click here to be redirect 
to the download site if the abov link doe not work pleas copi and past the 
follow into your browser httpaddr 


Processed testMail.txt

Spam Classification: 1
(1: Spam, 0: Not a spam)

Recently I followed the Machine Learning class carried out by Andrew Ng on  Coursera. There’s a simple spam e-mail classifier in the assignment for the 6th week.

So let’s test it out.

Later I extracted the code for spam checking in ex6.m provided in the code skeleton for Exercise 6 and applied it on several e-mails of mine. The outcome is fine in general—except the PowerWorld validation mail I put on the top of this article; well, sad story  😐


>> ex6_predictonly
Input the file to be checked[testMail.txt]:

==== Processed Email ====

you re invit to join our fan contributor program do you love write about your 
favorit passion ar you interest in a career in journal or profession write 
fan contributor ar passion fan who know more than your typic amount of inform 
about a pop cultur topic and want to write about it sound like you then share 
your expert voic with our reader and help make wikia the premier destin for 
pop cultur enthusiast on the web 


Processed testMail.txt

Spam Classification: 1
(1: Spam, 0: Not a spam)


>> ex6_predictonly
Input the file to be checked[testMail.txt]:

==== Processed Email ====

there s still time to submit your work we notic youe fallen a bit behind in 
the data scientist toolbox the deadlin for week number ha pass that okai we 
know it tough to fit onlin learn into a busi schedul you can still complet 
last week assign and get back on track to complet the cours on time rememb 
you need to pass these assign befor the cours end on march number number 
number pm pst coursework will not be accept after that date go to cours want 
a head start instead switch to the next session which start on februari 
number thi will transfer all your cours progress includ assign switch session 


Processed testMail.txt

Spam Classification: 0
(1: Spam, 0: Not a spam)


>> ex6_predictonly
Input the file to be checked[testMail.txt]:

==== Processed Email ====

top stori from your feed your quora digest what do intellig peopl do with 
their phone usarian skiff usarian skiff number vote thi is a phenomen 
question but most of the answer i see post includ that on veri popular on ar 
all dead wrong and i ll tell you why read more i got a job offer from googl 
facebook microsoft and i also got accept into the phd in comput scienc 
program at mit stanford berkelei what factor should i consid while make a 
choic between the two justin johnson justin johnson number numberk vote i wa 
in your posit a year ago i wa number had a job offer from googl in hand and 
wa accept into the comput scienc phd program at stanford and cmu after a lot 
read more what wa the funniest behind the scene moment shoot commun gillian 
jacob gillian jacob actress director love girl the queen of code and commun 
that if you run with a speed of number km hr toward anoth person come toward 
you at number km hr you will exp read more read more in your feed 


Processed testMail.txt

Spam Classification: 0
(1: Spam, 0: Not a spam)


>> ex6_predictonly
Input the file to be checked[testMail.txt]:

==== Processed Email ====

number tip for better land page design help build your audienc and translat 
visitor attent into posit behavior read more how to increas profit by number 
how to increas profit by number loyalti is import just a number increas in 
retent can lead to a number increas in profit read more what is your vision 
statement what is your vision statement befor ani websit can be effect it ha 
to have a purpos have you thought of your read more give shopper an experi to 
rememb give shopper an experi to rememb ecommerc depend on custom engag 
becaus shopper expect vip treatment read more number trust build app number 
trust build app in a world of uncertainti the trust store is king these app 
will help you stand out as a reput legitim busi read more 


Processed testMail.txt

Spam Classification: 1
(1: Spam, 0: Not a spam)


>> ex6_predictonly
Input the file to be checked[testMail.txt]:

==== Processed Email ====

us case numberd object detect in big data numberd object detect in a data 
cloud of more than number million data point learn how student from purdu 
univers and ilnumer stood up to the challeng meet the team and the challeng 
finit element analysi fea visual a power industri softwar applic for fea is 
develop with ilnumer how robust numer intuit visual and great support do the 
trick read the full stori weather analysi replac a plethora of legaci applic 
with a reliabl robust and effici librari for comput and visual and on the 
path get inspir for new project here is the stori 


Processed testMail.txt

Spam Classification: 0
(1: Spam, 0: Not a spam)


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